Wednesday, March 6, 2013

May 18th is Coming Fast

It's time again to push "the walk" a bit.  I know I haven't been bugging you lately about it, but I will, and you're forbidden from skipping over these until you've participated.  Hah!  Trapped you.

Quick recap:  We're doing a walk to benefit a local autism charity that has in turn benefited us by our association with it.  We have attended their Galas and their Santa visits and their seminars and their lunch 'n learns.  We have borrowed their books and gotten recommendations for doctors and met other parents and received pamphlets...and now...because all of the above crap is funded ENTIRELY via is time for us to attempt to give back.

And giving back to ABOARD doesn't mean paying back on a balance to zero things out.  It just means that the money we raise will be used to help some OTHER parent/autistic out there who needs information, or support, or guidance or whatever.  It means they'll reach out on behalf of parents whose kids are newly diagnosed and find people in the area who can talk to them (as they recently did by asking me to call a dad with a newly diagnosed daughter...ME??  (seriously I'm not sure what they're thinking on this one...but who am I to judge)).  It means they'll host more Autism-friendly visits like the Easter bunny visit at the local mall (with them taking care of marketing, staffing, scheduling venue, answering questions, cleaning up, no cost to the participants).  It just means that giving to them means indirectly benefiting other people who can use the help like we've used the help ourselves.

Lily will be walking again this year (probably the short route (1 mile though...pretty awesome), and there'll be shirts and swag and fun and camaraderie.  And if you CAN'T make could be a virtual walker from wherever you are...and tweet pictures to me while I walk and live tweet it from Pittsburgh.  Let's say hashtag:  #justalilwalk.  And if you can't walk in person, and you can't walk remotely...or even if you can't could donate.  

This year we're hoping to get a sponsorship of $500 for t-shirts for the walkers and $2500 in donations for ABOARD.  

There's a link at the top of the page.  If you have any problems or questions please feel free to notify me.  We found a way around the out of country Visa problems from last year.  If you use paypal, go through ABOARD's Paypal (there's a "DONATE" button right on their website) and in the purpose or memo line, put "Just a Lil team" or "Team Walter".ABOARD  will see that when they get the donation, enter it in as an offline donation. 

Anyway...this is our one big fundraiser that we feel like directly benefits not only Lily, but all autistics in Pennsylvania...young or old....and their parents and caregivers, and it's all run via donation.  The more we give, the more they can provide.

This is easy as 1, 2, 3:

1:  Go HERE  and register as an individual (or virtual walker if you won't be here).
2:  At the bottom of the registration it says "Join an existing team" ...pick "Just a Lil Team"
3:  Give us all your money!

It's so simple!!

Anyway, please help.

Here's some eye candy to ease your pain.

Daddy, I feel sad that we haven't reached our goal yet.


  1. Who could say no to that face???

  2. Love the Lily boo-boo face. And we'll work really hard to do more and more of "all of the above crap!" It's what gets us out of bed every single day. Um, did I mention, special ballet performance this year downtown, de-sensitization tours of Children's Hospital ER, capturing that on a video social story for online sharing, and helping design autism accommodations for 20 hospitals to better serve our kids and adults? That's new crap for this year. Can't wait!
