Friday, May 18, 2012

Special Needs Ryan Gosling - Week 15

I am TOTALLY on top of Adventures in Extreme Parenting's "Special Needs Ryan Gosling" meme for TWO WEEKS IN A ROW!!  Plus, also, it was important to put some distance between yesterday's friggin' magnum opus and the blog in general.  I don't want to SCARE people.

To recap, since 99.7% of the participation is by "mom" bloggers, the interpretation generally seems to be "pretend as if Ryan Gosling is your significant other and or side project, and fill in the blanks, fantasizing about how supportive and awesome he'd be".  And also, I might add, there seems to be a pervy special needs mom-blogger element (also approximately 99.7%) that manipulates Mr. Gosling into . . . lewd situations.  *blushes demurely*

My take however, is that Mr. Gosling is ME.  We're practically the exact same guy anyway, except he wears WAY more flannel than I do.  Regardless, this would be me talking to MY significant other.  I AM the Ryan Gosling of Daddy Bloggers. . . you know. . . until someone prettier comes along. 

Today's Ryan looks so sad-face.  I guess when you look like Ryan looks, it doesn't matter HOW ridiculous your pictures are, when they're asking you to pose  you just say, "Curled up in a ball?  Sure."  Then you point at yourself and say, "Gosling. . . duh!"  And women swoon and start memes about you. 

Without further adieu, today's participation:

You know this is you.  Don't bother denying it.


  1. Sooooo emo, that Gosling. Sooooo emo. He needs some guyliner and to listen to some Bon Iver to complete the picture.

    I'm glad you don't manipulate Gosling into lewd situations. That would be awkward for us all. Especially poor sad Gosling. He'd be all, "SIGH, ok, I GUESS, I'm super-supportive, dude, it's what I'm KNOWN for, but I don't know about this one."

    1. He would just look all pretty and say, "Gosling. . . duh."

  2. Aw Ryan, I feel your pain. I guess they were all too much in awe of your mad blogging skills to risk making a non-witty comment. Their loss....

    1. YEAH! THEIR loss!! In your FACE scared people!!

  3. Nicely played, Walter, nicely played.

    1. Who's Walter? That fish from On Golden Pond?

  4. I just snorted my coffee, damn you.

  5. This made me laugh....mostly because it's so true.

  6. Wait. What??? You have a blog and you wrote the best post ever? And I'm still late for things! Must go back and review your posts......or wait, was this the post? If so, completely disregard this whole comment.

  7. That sounds like exactly what he'd say on my blog!

    1. he is so many things to so many people. . . *stares dreamily into space*

  8. you have to tweet to tell me to look on facebook for the post you wrote on your blog or it doesn't count.

    1. I didn't see this! You should have texted me that you commented and then faxed to confirm!

  9. Yes, Ryan, that is me. I don't deny it.

  10. *boo*

    just watched "drive" for the first time (thank you netflix). he may look a little emo, but if he's holding a hammer or a shower curtain rod, i would not go near him.


    1. I've seen like half of one movie he was in so far. . .

  11. And with this, you have solidified yourself as my favourite daddy blogger.

  12. Ha, can just imagine what his blog would be like. It'd be called A Little Taste Of Me, and every post would be "Today I was awesome" - with 7 million comments that said "You so totally ARE!"

  13. Story of my life, Ryan/Jim. Story of my life.

  14. Here's a comment just for you, Ryan Gosling, who also happens to be Jim.

  15. You are so funny! You've found a new follower. Maybe if you wear a Ryan amount of flannel, you'd get more comments, but they probably wouldn't be as funny. ;-)

  16. Bruce Wayne is to Batman as Ryan Gosling is to you. Totally just wrote the best SAT question, EVERRRRRR!

  17. Oh Ryan, uncurl yourself and show us your abs. Please.

    1. pfft! NO COMMENTS!! You know you'd go all fetal position too!
